I listened to the hon. member's speech with interest. I do not know what his background is prior to being an MP, but I was in small business. I owned a small business and I employed 10 people. As I listen to this talk about giving special consideration to certain industries, whether it be through subsidies or tax concessions or grants or whatever, as a small business person who created jobs without any subsidies, without any help or special consideration from government, it really starts to irk me. And I know that it irks all the other small business people out there who are also creating jobs without this special treatment from government.
I realize we are talking about culture here and that this gets everybody very upset. However, why should there be any more protection for a magazine than for any other small business, simply because it is cultural?
I have sold my business now, but were the 10 jobs I created not worth just as much as the jobs that are created by some magazine that is subsidized? Does it mean it was not important because I did not get a subsidy and it was not cultural? I had to compete with Office Depot and huge companies like B.C. Tel, which had millions of dollars to compete with me. Did I start whining and moaning, asking for the government to help me? No. I got out there and did what I did well and I made sure I concentrated on products and services that people wanted.
What is wrong with the magazine industry looking around and taking a few surveys to find out what its customers want and putting it in a format people are prepared to buy, without needing a subsidy here and a subsidy there? They would do well to build a niche for themselves.
For example, in New Zealand, where I am from, the film industry was subsidized forever by the government. When they had their debt crisis down there they pulled the subsidies for the film industry.
For a change, instead of making a lot of rubbish the film industry started making worthwhile quality films which it could sell internationally which now win awards. I am sure some members here have seen those films.
What possible excuse could the member have to denigrate all small businesses that fight to create jobs without these subsidies? How does he justify giving special conditions to these other industries?