moved that Bill C-98, an act respecting the oceans of Canada, be read the second time and referred to a committee.
Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to lead off the second reading debate of the oceans act. We on this side of the House believe that with the introduction of this legislation today we are coming to the successful conclusion of a long and at times dramatic chapter in Canada's maritime history. With this legislation we are at the beginning of a new and even more vital chapter in that history.
The oceans act will define for Canada-and for many Canadians this will come as a surprise-for the first time in legislation, an exclusive economic zone covering almost five million square kilometres of the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans. With the passage of the oceans act, Canada will effectively increase the area over which we in Parliament have jurisdiction by nearly one-half, as the area covered by Canadian law will increase quite dramatically.
Today Canada has the world's largest coastline measuring nearly 244,000 kilometres. Much of it of course is formed by islands in the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans, as I have said. The Great Lakes coastlines add another 9,500 kilometres.
With the passage of this bill we should think of Canada and the area over which it has jurisdiction as not just encompassing the prairies, not just encompassing the coastline of the great province of British Columbia, our north and northern territories, east and west, the great provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and of course Atlantic Canada including Newfoundland. We need to think as well about that tremendous area covered by Canada's three oceans and notwithstanding recent problems, the tremendous wealth represented by both the living and non-living resources of the oceans.
As Canadians we have worked diligently over many years to stake our claim and to establish our rights to control our ocean areas. With this bill that struggle which has been undertaken by successive generations of Canadians and by successive governments of every political stripe is finally coming to an end.
The oceans act expands our notion of Canada as a country. The oceans management strategy increases the priority that we place as a society upon the wise development of our ocean waters. The bill before Parliament will put in place the means for the government to exercise Canada's new ocean responsibilities.
The oceans act will give our country the framework for building a new oceans management strategy. Canadians will have to work very hard together to ensure that we achieve the economic opportunities while at the same time sustaining the environment and the living resources of our oceans. Over the years but in particular in the last two years since the election of this government, we have successfully asserted our rights. Now we have to assume our obligations.
Canada's ocean heritage stretches back to the very opening up of our nation. The oceans enabled our ancestors, explorers and pioneers to establish the basis of modern Canada. The roots of Canada lie in aboriginal peoples finding their sustenance in the Arctic ice and waters and the waters off both coasts and the courageous crossings over the Atlantic Ocean by John Cabot in 1497, nearly 500 years ago.
Coming first to the teeming waters off the new found land Cabot encountered not silver, gold, oil, minerals or other kinds of resources that captured his imagination. Rather he encountered teeming waters full of groundfish, a multiplicity of species, all of which gave rise to the drive to colonize, to capture the new found land, the new continent.
Of course Cabot was followed by Cartier in 1534 and Champlain in 1603, together building the new land. For generation upon generation immigrants came to Canada, wave literally upon wave, building this country. With the oceans act today we salute the historic voyages of Cabot, Cartier and Champlain. We continue with confidence their work and their vision when they founded this new land.
Canada's commerce was founded on ocean trading. Ocean transport, communications, fishing, tourism and recreation have helped forge our national identity. The oceans are as much a part of Canada's soul, how we see ourselves, how we define ourselves, as are the Rockies, the prairies and the Canadian shield.
Canadians have always cared deeply and passionately about our oceans. For the past few decades that passion has been directed toward securing international recognition of Canada's jurisdiction over those waters and their resources. Canadians have been of one voice in pushing for strong international binding agreement on ocean management rules. We have been of one mind as a nation when we have had to be in taking direct measures and yes, sometimes bold measures, sometimes unprecedented and unilateral measures to assert jurisdiction to protect our ocean resources and the marine environment upon which they depend.
In 1958 Canada took a leadership position at the first United Nations conference on the oceans. Since 1967, our centennial year, Canadians have spearheaded discussions which led after many years to a UN convention on the law of the sea.
Of course Canada again was in the forefront over the last several years at the UN convention on highly migratory species and straddling stocks which concluded last August 4 in New York with a new binding convention. Members of this House from all parties participated in that process. Members of this House from all parties worked together united in building and protecting those ocean resources, not only for this generation, not only for Canadians but for citizens of the world.
The kind of influence that we in Canada, a middle power, exercised was only possible because we were able to go to the United Nations and speak with one united voice. We were able to speak with a vision that was greater than the concerns as measured or identified by our own backyards.
That is why we were successful. That is why Canadians in every province today, without exception, can take pride in the work successive governments have done and in the successes we have achieved by working together.
Over the years we have sometimes been confronted with challenges to our jurisdiction and challenges to our determination. Members may recall that in 1969 the U.S. owned Manhattan sailed through Canada's Northwest Passage without prior approval from Canada. There was a tremendous public response. That is the polite way of putting it. That response led to speedy passage of the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act.
I recall the minister of the day who had the responsibility of shepherding that act, the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act, was none other than the current Prime Minister of Canada. It was an act by which Canada extended out to 100 miles its jurisdiction, its responsibility, and made clear its authority to manage the important and fragile Arctic waters. It was the present Prime Minister who presented that bill to Parliament. It was a bill that was supported by members on every side of the House.
In 1970 Canada declared a 12-mile nautical territorial sea. On January 1, 1977 we declared a 200-nautical mile fishing zone. I am pleased to note that it was the minister of foreign affairs of the day who had a very large hand in seeing Canada make progress in this regard, the hon. Don Jamieson, member of Parliament for then Burin-St. George's in Newfoundland. He was, I will not say assisted, in full partnership with the current Governor General of Canada, the Hon. Romeo Leblanc, who was then Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. These two gentlemen stood side by side and with the co-operation of all the members of the House and Canadians everywhere claimed Canada's 200-mile fishing zone.
I should note that it was only last year that members of this place in every party of Parliament-the Conservative Party, the New Democratic Party, the Reform Party, the Bloc Quebecois together with the Liberal Party-gave unprecedented and speedy full passage within two sitting days in both Chambers to Bill C-29, an act to amend the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act.
It was that legislation which enabled Canada to take action to protect important fish stocks on the high seas that straddle Canada's 200-mile limit. It was clear that the national interest was at stake. When the needs and the interests of those who live in coastal Canada beyond the reaches of most of us, beyond the experience of most of us, beyond the direct knowledge of most of us, are confronted with the notion that straddling stocks which sustained hundreds of communities for 500 years were being decimated, and we were concerned with flag of convenience vessels, Parliament was able to respond. It was able to rise to the challenge and Canada, because its focus was clear, because its cause was just and because its sense of nationhood was strong, was able to respond. We passed Bill C-29 and we literally moved the flag of convenience vessels off our continental shelf. We protected those resources for Canadians and for the world.
The oceans act is the final major piece of legislation to make All these efforts over so many years by Canada and by Canadians complete and worth while. The act will formally establish Canada's jurisdiction as a coastal state over its ocean areas and over our resources.
The legislation before Parliament is completely compatible with the law of the sea convention and with new global rules on the management of ocean resources and the marine environment.
This bill defines our national maritime zones as consisting of Canada's internal waters, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and Canada's continental shelf.
The legislation incorporates all relevant existing law that Canada has, covering our full rights and jurisdiction over internal waters; our fishing zones off the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic, including the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Bay of Fundy, Queen Charlotte Sound and Dixon Entrance; and our rights with respect to the continental shelf. Canada has rights to living organisms belonging to sedentary species in or on the shelf and jurisdiction over the exploration and exploitation of minerals and non-living resources of the seabed and subsoil.
Last summer, under the provisions of the law of the sea, Canada claimed jurisdiction to manage Icelandic scallops that reside beyond the 200-mile zone and not within it. Some American fishing vessels decided to fish those scallops. Canada asserted clearly, strongly and unequivocally our right under the appropriate sections of the law of the sea to manage those species. Under the appropriate provisions of the law of the sea sedentary species which extend on the continental shelf are to be managed by the coastal state.
Such a claim has never been made anywhere else in the world before. We made it last summer. It led to a period of disagreement with our good neighbour and friend, the United States. At one point some direct action was taken to stop fishing activity. However some months later there was a recognition by the United States of Canada's jurisdiction over Icelandic scallop, even those scallop residing in waters beyond our own 200-mile limit but on our continental shelf. That was last summer.
This summer we staked a claim to control distant water snow crab on the high seas, beyond our 200-mile limit. No country challenged that claim this year.
For all these questions, the oceans act is a consolidation of current Canadian law. What is so crucial in the bill is the declaration of Canadian jurisdiction over the contiguous zone and the exclusive economic zone. Most Canadians will not be familiar with these technical terms, but many Canadians will have heard the phrases 12-mile zone and 200-mile zone.
Canada's territorial sea extends from our coastline out to 12 nautical miles. In the territorial sea Canada has full jurisdiction to ocean waters, to the seabed beneath those water and to the airspace above. This is existing law.
The contiguous zone will extend an additional 12 nautical miles from the outer edge of the territorial sea. In this zone Canada will have the power to enforce our fiscal immigration, sanitary and customs laws. The exclusive economic zone, which we are declaring and prescribing for the first time in legislation today, will absorb the 200-mile fishing zone and cover all economic activity in the ocean area out to 200 nautical miles from the coastal baseline. In this zone Canada will have jurisdiction for exploring, exploiting, conserving and managing all the living and non-living resources of the waters, seabed and subsoil.
Canada's jurisdiction in this zone will cover economic activity and will cover marine scientific research, protection and preservation of the marine environment and artificial islands, installations and all structures. The act will grant Canada powers that go well beyond the powers our country has asserted in the past. It puts in place a clear definition of jurisdiction fully supported by existing global agreements.
Canadians should rightfully feel proud and satisfied this day has come. Canadians from every corner of the country and, as I have said, from every political persuasion, from every party and every walk of life, have at one time or another stood together for decade after decade to make this declaration of Canada's oceans jurisdiction a reality.
For all the excellent co-operation that went into establishing oceans jurisdiction, the truth is that Canada's policies for actual management of our ocean areas over the years have been piecemeal, fragmented and scattered on occasion. The same spirit of partnership, co-ordination, co-operation and innovation that enabled Canada to gain authority over ocean resources must now be used to manage the same resources.
The oceans act sets out a basic legislative framework to support a new Canadian oceans management strategy. The act provides the building blocks for integrated management and sustainable development of Canada's ocean resources. The act outlines a new ecosystems based approach to marine resource management. It provides a common focus for federal responsibilities and consolidates federal programs and authorities from as many as 14 different departments under the jurisdiction and administration of one department. It endows Canadians with legislative tools to start working on oceans management holistically rather than sectorally.
The need for sustainable development of resources was made crystal clear in the 1987 report of the World Commission on Environment and Development chaired by Norway's current prime minister, Prime Minister Brundtland.
That same year, in 1987, the previous government, the Conservative government of the day, committed itself to the introduction of an oceans act. Unfortunately that commitment was not translated into action and no legislation was introduced.
The government is acting. Last year the National Advisory Board on Science and Technology in Canada called for an oceans act equipped to address the needs of ocean frontier development for the present and, more important, for the future. The advisory board called Canada's ocean management policies ad hoc and at times haphazard. The board called for Canada to develop a proactive oceans policy that plans for the future rather than responds to the crisis of the day.
As the present Prime Minister said at that time, "far-sighted, prudent management of our oceans will provide us with a powerful tool for long term regional development from coast to coast in Canada".
In November 1994 I released a document setting out the potential elements of an ocean management strategy for Canada. The government then sought advice all across the country, from St. John's to Vancouver, from Inuvik to Quebec City. Certain things emerged early and were clear. The federal government does have a leadership role to play in oceans policy. There should be one federal department taking the lead in developing new strategy. People want to be involved locally in providing solutions to regional priorities. There is a need to sustain resources and to diversify ocean industries.
All the advice from provinces, municipalities, coastal residents, fishermen, business, labour, environmentalists and scientists was heard loud and clear. The bill now sets out the elements of an oceans policy. However all Canadians must be involved in developing specific mechanisms, planning and management structures, and the guidelines and standards required to bring about sustainable use of oceans and their resources.
In recognition of the need for an integrated approach to oceans management, the government announced the merger of the Canadian Coast Guard with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, which came into effect on April 1, 1995. The new organization will provide for a more co-ordinated approach to policy development and a strengthened operational focus. The new organization will comprise the principal civilian marine operational component of the Government of Canada. It is now constructed and consolidated into one of the largest marine fleets anywhere in the world today. As a consequence, we are able to be more cost effective, more cost efficient, we are able to ensure high national standards from coast to coast and be efficient in the provision of services.
There are new and increasing challenges for boating safety, navigation, infrastructure, and under sea exploration. The Canadian Coast Guard provides, in conjunction with the Department of National Defence, the marine component of the federal search and rescue program, marine aids to navigation, icebreaking services, vessel traffic services, safety communications and the dissemination of information regarding marine weather, ice, and changes to navigational aids.
The coast guard brings much in the addition of programs to the department of fisheries, programs that ensure the safety of human life at sea, the safe and economical movement of ships, and the protection of our marine environment. It makes sense to include these programs with the federal minister responsible for oceans and the protection of the fishery.
Bringing together these two fleets and bringing together these two teams, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the coast guard, also gives us the ability to multi-task ships from both fleets and consolidate them and cross train them to ensure that people who heretofore were doing primarily coast guard duties are also available for enforcement duties on the fisheries side, and vice versa. It also ensures that the helicopters that were flying resupply missions to coast guard stations, to navigational aids, and to coast guard lights are also available for carrying out enforcement activity on behalf of the enforcement branch of DFO.
We will consolidate regional offices, regional directors general, regional strategic locations into one combined, enlarged, and improved location to find efficiency but at the same time sustain a high level of services, which were heretofore divided between two
marine based departments. It is a common sense approach to dealing with the problem of the deficit that the government wants to undertake, not the hack and slash and burn advocated by some others, who believe that deficit reduction in itself, with no regard to the importance of providing basic services to Canadians, ought to be the goal of governing in the 1990s.
The Canada oceans act will give the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans the legal authority to draw together all of Canada's ocean stakeholders to develop a strategy, as I said, based on sustainable development and integrated management. The act provides the authority to develop the actual mechanisms to implement new strategies. It gives the minister the ability to enter into new partnership arrangements in order to ensure that the oceans management strategy meets real regional needs and fulfils real regional aspirations.
Every Canadian, I suspect without exception, is well aware of the extraordinary environmental stress placed upon our oceans. We all know too well and some of us too painfully about resource depletion, habitat degradation, and marine pollution. We know that if we destroy the ocean environment we cannot meet the social and economic goals of coastal Canadians.
This act therefore provides the authority to create for the first time protected marine areas in order to safeguard ocean biodiversity and to safeguard endangered species. For the first time we have set out a legislative framework to declare certain of our ocean areas protected marine areas.
While it is too early to say that the government has made a decision or I as Minister of Fisheries and Oceans have made a decision with respect to protected marine areas, I am much interested in the possibility of declaring protected zones as a means of ensuring conservation of endangered species. In other words, it is a management tool. If we want to take the precautionary approach in fisheries management, one way to do that is to set aside certain nursery zones, spawning areas, and to hold the areas to be off limits to any fishing activity to ensure that even as we conduct fisheries and even as we harvest what appear to be healthy stocks we give ourselves a measure of insurance by setting aside certain zones. The government will explore that and will seek advice from the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans in the weeks and months ahead.
The act gives the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans the ability to carry out scientific marine research in support of the new strategy. I cannot overemphasize that this act is about building new partnerships among Canadians. That is what we will be seeking with all of the stakeholders in the oceans community and the scientific community in the weeks and months ahead. Indeed, that is what we are seeking in referring this bill now to the standing committee: advice, comment, questions, and yes, criticism where appropriate. We want the strongest possible bill that can be provided.
I am counting on the members of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, who have a long and distinguished record, both the current committee and its predecessors, for being the conscience and the voice of the oceans and of the living resources of the oceans, to bring forward a bill that is stronger than the one I put before the House today. I am confident that Chairman MacDonald will do just that.
The bill signals renewed federal leadership by consolidating under one authority the lead responsibility for management of oceans. It signals the federal government's commitment to a comprehensive and co-operative approach to oceans policy. It signals the need for shared information, shared planning, shared management. It signals that Canada and Canadians are prepared to act in making the most of our assets.
The act is the last step toward formal jurisdiction over Canada's oceans territory, but it is the first step-
I will conclude momentarily, Mr. Speaker. I can see you are edging up on your feet with excitement.