It only stands to reason that the police get involved with the next sex offence of that sex offender after he perpetrates the crime. The best defence for victims is to know who is living next door or down the street.
That is why people like Sandra Cunningham are leaders in this country. She was out in front listening to the wonderful words of the justice minister today. She prints the tri-cities child care guide. She prints the pictures, the MOs, the dossiers of pedophiles. That is necessary in this country.
I know there is not much agreement across the way because probably that pedophile's rights have been infringed upon.
Alan Winter came from my riding. The Liberals call these isolated incidents. I have more isolated incidents in my riding than most. At last count Alan Winter had victimized 31 children. He was incarcerated as a dangerous offender. He got 16 years. Unbeknownst to every single one of those victims he was allowed out in just over five years. Nobody knew he was out. There was no registry. I am not even sure the police knew about him. The only reason they found out is because more victims were going to lay charges against him and they said: "He is not in here any more". It does not make sense. This is not partisan politics, this is the real world. These are real, sincere problems.
Another amendment we asked for was a mandatory review of parole board decisions where a violent offender is released early and commits another violent offence during release time. That was rejected by the government.
I have spoken about Wayne Perkin in the House more than once. Motion No. 19 was very appropriate for Wayne Perkin. Good old Wayne knocked on a door in Aldergrove in my riding and encouraged the lady to go out in her garden shed to get a lawnmower. When she went in with him what did good old Wayne do? He beat her over the head with a hammer, taped her hands behind her back, injected her with cocaine and raped her. That was not sexual assault as the lawyers would call it, it was rape.
What did Wayne get courtesy of our judiciary in Canada? Six years. Her life will never be the same.
The parole board let him out early, the good old parole board. What did Wayne do? One would think maybe a miracle had happened and after two or three years and maybe good old Wayne turned into a good fellow. Maybe he took an anger management course. They let him out early.