Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to follow the parliamentary secretary. Obviously there is no time for a major intercession.
I find it interesting that one of the other initiatives of the federal government in response to how to keep mining off the rocks was that the standing committee made about 20 recommendations last year that an all-party committee agreed would help to spur on the mining industry within Canada, and the government chose to ignore every single one. They were good words, but I do not think there is a lot of proof in the pudding.
We are here to address the motion of the hon. member for Abitibi:
That, in the opinion of the House, the government should consider revitalizing investment in exploration in Canada and in Quebec by providing for fiscal incentives, including flow through shares.
In my capacity as the party critic for natural resources, it is a privilege to speak to this issue.
Flow through shares are one way to subsidize industry. They cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars a few years ago, with only a very few positive results.
We in the Reform Party have called for a reduction in government subsidies to business. We feel that if it is in the market's interest to explore for more oil, gas, diamonds, coal, or whatever it is, the market will marshal the funds necessary to go ahead and do the exploration.
What is the role of the federal government in this regard? Does it have a role? I believe it does. It remains for the federal government to provide a regulatory regime for industry that clears the way for industry to go ahead with sustainable development.
I will clarify what I mean by sustainable development. Development means we want to develop our natural resources. It does not mean preservation; it means sustainable development. Development is a key word. Canadians depend on natural resources for a huge proportion of our jobs, our income, and our standard of living. Sustainable means we want to continue to develop them for decades to come, and in order to do that we have to deal very carefully with our environment. This requires a balance between the two.
A Price Waterhouse study released yesterday dealing with British Columbia's forest practices code illustrates how this balance is faring in Canada. Enforcing the new code will cost the economy 46,000 jobs in British Columbia. This shows that Canada is losing its balance when it comes to sustainability versus development.
In our concern for sustainability, I believe we are bordering on hysteria and catering to preservationists instead of people concerned with sustainable development. We are stifling development
in our country. This is not the intention of the concept of sustainable development.
I met yesterday with representatives of the mining association and listened to the problems they are encountering in their industry. I will give the House one example. They told me that mining companies are warned before any exploration takes place that federal environmental regulators will take a minimum of three years to approve their application for a mine. Instead of getting one permit for one mine, a company must go to every federal and provincial department, official, and bureaucrat in North America to get separate permits to develop what should be a straightforward process. This all takes a minimum of three years. In other countries the same process takes half that time.
Is it any wonder that the mining companies I am familiar with, especially in the British Columbia area, have put so many of their resources into Chile and other countries where they have friendlier and more receptive governments?
The old way of doing business was to assist companies by subsidizing them. Subsidies insulated companies from the market. In the case of flow through shares, in some cases they caused exploration to take place where that was costly, unnecessary, and unproductive. This is what the Department of Finance said in its report on the subject in October 1994.
The new way of doing business is to encourage development in an environmentally sustainable way. That requires balance between our concern for the environment on the one hand and our desire and necessity to explore and develop our resources for the benefit of all Canadians.
If sectors of the industry are suffering in Canada, it is not the fault of the federal government for not subsidizing it. The fault lies in a regulatory regime, at least partially, that needs streamlining and co-ordination between different federal and provincial jurisdictions.
The second thing we need, and I do not want to elaborate on this too much, is a tax regime in Canada that is competitive with other nations. We also need, and this is very important, to resolve our disagreements over land use and tenure. We need to resolve that with our aboriginal people so we can move forward and establish stable environmental standards, land use standards, and a tax regime that is predictable so that mining companies feel comfortable and confident of investing in our Canadian future.
How many times have we heard industry say that if you just get off my back as far as taxes go, get out of my hair as far as regulations and unnecessary duplication go, I will create jobs and opportunities in this country that will make your head spin. We hear that time and again. They do not need or want a subsidy.
I am surprised and I might almost say astonished that this particular motion would come from the member for Abitibi. Let me paraphrase what he says. He says he wants the federal government to pour money into subsidies for industry in Canada and in Quebec. I am surprised, because the member for Abitibi is a member of the Bloc Quebecois, which as we all know is a political party with only one purpose, and that is to destroy Canada as we know it by taking Quebec out of Confederation. It is even more astonishing since natural resources, by our own Constitution, is and should be in the purview of the provincial government. Not only that, but in the middle of his own campaign to destroy the federal government, the member stands up in the House and asks that the federal government subsidize more industry in Quebec.
I hope the member understands that people from my riding are frustrated by this kind of behaviour. This is a good illustration of Quebec's separatist movement, which lives in a world of illusion, a fairy tale where one wants to enjoy the best of both worlds.
The separatists have always been of two minds on the subject of independence. It reminds me of someone who wants to have his own place, his own car, his own life, but he wants his parents to pay for it.
With a motion like the member has put forward, I wonder if the member is really a sovereignist at heart at all. If he really believed in independence he would be asking the federal government to get out of Quebec, not subsidize the industry there. Perhaps the member secretly depends on the family and he does not really want out of it; he just wants his own apartment.
I believe that most Quebecers take a more mature view of life and of our country. They recognize that the Canadian house is big enough for the entire Canadian family to live together in happiness and prosperity.
The Reform Party agrees with the member for Abitibi in calling for change. Change is necessary; we all recognize that. However, we are calling for a new Canada, not a separate nation of Quebec. We are calling for a new Canada, a Canada built on equality but a Canada with a smaller federal government role, not a larger one, where all regions can be satisfied with a less oppressive federal fiscal framework.
I reiterate to the House and my constituents that I am anxious that Quebec remain an equal partner within Canada.
Last spring I went down to Montreal. I caught one of the last games played in the old Montreal Forum. As we were wandering around in the old part of Montreal before the game and we were talking to people, they were very friendly. A couple of times people came up to me on the corner-I guess I obviously was looking for something at the time-and offered to help us out and give us directions and so on. I was very impressed. I thought that was a typically Canadian thing to do. If you see somebody in trouble you
want to help out. In my travels and in talking to many people I have found that Canadians are basically the same everywhere.
The more I talk to francophones the more I realize they have the same goals and aspirations as people elsewhere in Canada. They want good jobs with good incomes, safe streets, a fair taxation system. They want less government bureaucracy in their lives. They want much the same things as people everywhere else. We share common values and interests. The language we speak is really of secondary importance to those major things.
Language is a code. We can speak English or French. We can use Morse code or a computer language. We can do what we like in that area. It is just a method of communication. What is important is what we are communicating, the content of our communication, the core values we have regardless of the language we use.
I believe that as Canadians we want to continue to communicate with one another. Quebecers have given their time and energy to building homes, industries, towns and cities that are among the best on the entire planet. During the world wars and in our peacekeeping duties they have spilled their own blood to carry Canadian values around the world. They see that Canada is the best place in the world in which to live. I am confident they are going to vote no on October 30.
In closing, we do not support any motions that call for more subsidies. That is the old market distorting way of doing business. We would welcome a motion from the Bloc calling for a better balance between sustainability and development in Canada. That is supportable everywhere. Most of all, regardless of where we are in Canada, we invite Quebecers, including Bloc members, to join hands with Canadians, whether we are English Canadians, Japanese, Italian or of whatever descent to build a new and united Canada together.