Mr. Speaker, as a matter of fact, and as the hon. member who has followed this full well knows what they can look forward to is a much improved financial instrument.
The Canada savings bond, as I am sure all members in this House know, and I am sure they are all buyers, is a very safe and secure investment for Canadians.
This year the government is pleased to announce under the new agency that we are introducing a 10-year guaranteed period for those Canadians who are holding a compound CSB. That is to say while the rate in the first year will be 3 per cent, it will rise at a minimum level each and every year to 8.75 per cent over the course of the next nine years.
This is very competitive. Considering that it is cashable at any time, I would recommend to all Canadians and to all members in this House that they rush out tomorrow and buy Canada savings bonds.