Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege which is consistent with Beauchesne's Parliamentary Rules and Forms , fourth edition, 1958, at page 95, section 104(4). This point of privilege refers to the matter which I want to raise today. It states:
Certain urgent matters, such as assaults upon or insults to Members if they should occur during a sitting of the House, may be raised at once in spite of the interruption of debate or other proceedings-
My point of personal privilege is in reference to a question put by the hon. member for Elk Island to the Prime Minister which was responded to by the minister in charge of the treasury board. I feel that members of the House, as well as Canadians, are insulted by the lack of action and response by the President of the Treasury Board and the Prime Minister.
In question period the hon. member for Elk Island raised the point about the Secretary of State for Training and Youth misusing her expense account and she has not-