Mr. Speaker, the Liberals have been patting themselves on the back lately, claiming that they have kept most of their red book promises.
The facts are that of the 198 promises made in the red book, only two had a major impact on the voters and, indeed, were major reasons for voters giving their trust. The failure to deliver on jobs, jobs, jobs as well as scrap, abolish and kill the GST are the two broken promises Canadians will remember in the next federal election.
On the GST, the Liberals had no real plan to replace the $15 billion in revenue so they could scrap it. They just made a hollow promise to get elected. We are still paying the GST.
On job creation, the Liberals had no plan to help the private sector create jobs. There are as many people unemployed now as when they made their hollow jobs promise to get elected: 4.1 million unemployed Canadians is totally unacceptable.
The red book was a fairy tale that should have begun "Once upon a time". There will be a happy ending, however, with the defeat of those who make broken promises and the election of a party that gives a guarantee with its promises.