'Twas the night of the Town Hall and all through the House, All the Liberals cringed as Canadians groused. The Prime Minister stammered, then denied his own words, As he tried to defend the absurdly absurd.
"I never did say that," he said to the crowd, While the lady who asked him was gasping out loud. "I never said kill, or abolish or scrap", And the people who listened thought he had snapped.
"I have some advice" said the leader with pluck, "If you don't have a job, you can rely on blind luck." Then he screwed up his anger and foamed at the lips, As he blamed it on God, and on tapes and on slips.
Then out in the country there arose such a clatter, The Prime Minister's handlers asked: "What is the matter?" They pulled down the blinds, turned the lights way down low, Then sprang to the TV to replay the show.
And what to their wondering eyes should appear, But the truth, which is something they've never held dear. So they slumped in their chairs and they watched the assembled, Endure the sight of a Prime Minister as he boldly dissembled.
Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister is as Prime Minister does.