Mr. Speaker, I was recently in Thetford Mines and engaged in a consultation with the people of that community with respect to this matter. I assured them that the federal government will be doing everything it possibly can to preserve the jobs and those communities that depend upon the asbestos industry.
The representations we have made to the French government are not stopping. Yes, they have made a political decision that they want to ban the product, but they also have a review mechanism. Every year they have to look at the question of substitute products. It is our hope and expectation that they will look at the safe uses of asbestos products, particularly in cement piping, as something that will be acceptable. We will continue to press that case.
Meanwhile, we will continue to press that this does not spread into other parts of the European Community or other parts of the world. We are fully committed as a government to working with the people of Thetford Mines and the people in the industry in Canada to preserve those jobs in Quebec and the rest of Canada.