Mr. Speaker, we are watching the WTO situation very carefully. As I indicated to the people who are employed in the industry, if there is a case that we can pursue with the WTO, we are quite prepared to do that.
However, we have to await the next moves that occur in terms of the French government as to substitute products. That will give us the kind of information we need in order to decide if we should proceed to the WTO.
With respect to the European Union, it recently held a vote and the efforts by those who wanted to ban it Europe wide failed. Our efforts are already paying off in that regard. Our expert team which went to France to speak with the European commission has been successful in holding off any attempt to ban this on a European basis.
We know it is still an uphill battle. We are going to continue to fight it as best we can. We want to do everything possible to preserve that industry and those jobs with respect to the safe uses of that product.