Mr. Speaker, the longest journey begins with one step. I congratulate Health Canada for taking a step in the fight against myalgic encephalomyelitis and fibromyalgia.
Health Canada has recognized a revised chronic fatigue syndrome case definition for research purposes. This is thanks to the 10,000 people in Ontario and the 5,000 from other provinces who have signed petitions presented to the House in May.
It is also thanks to the efforts of the ME/FMAction Network. Health Canada can now take the step to boost further awareness by formally announcing the recognition of ME/FM. Parliament should move forward by setting up a health subcommittee to study and hear witnesses on ME/FM.
These diseases affect over 100,000 Canadians. Many times healthy, vital people are reduced to an inability of coping. We can no longer afford to be robbed of so many productive citizens by a disease for which we do not know the cause and we do not know the cure.
Let us remedy this situation. We must act now to raise awareness, continue research and find a cure.