Mr. Speaker, I rise today to address or undress this government on its proposed legislation for a harmonized sales tax and to streamline the GST under Bill C-70.
First, I have a little humour that might put this in perspective. A good friend of mine in Calgary, Martin Struthers, is a travelling salesman in the clothing line. He told me that he ran into a lot of Liberals over the summertime on the golf course. They were playing with a particularly cute golf ball that had the logo of the current Deputy Prime Minister on it. When he asked the Liberals why they were using this golf ball they said: "Well if we use this golf ball, we are free to change our lie any time".
On November 29, 1996 the government boldly issued a press release announcing that three Atlantic provinces, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador, had agreed to harmonize the GST and provincial sales tax effective April 1, 1997. The effective date is important. It is next year, not this year. I will come back to that later on in my speech.
The finance minister is quoted as saying: "This proposed legislation represents another step toward an integrated national sales tax system for Canada". I stand before this House to state unequivocally that this comment by the finance minister is misleading, that the steps he has taken to harmonize the GST are hypocritical and that this whole exercise is nothing more than politically self-serving by Liberals at its worst. These are the three arguments I wish to address and I will do so under those titles: misleading, hypocritical and politically self-serving.
Under misleading, it is misleading that the rest of the country will not participate in the harmonized sales tax system even though the finance minister says that this is leading toward it. P.E.I. dropped out. Ontario has said to take a hike. Alberta wants the net effective rate that the Atlantic provinces get, which is 5.5 per cent. His whole claim that he is moving forward contradicts the facts.
Take Ontario. Why would Ontario comply when it has already indicated that it would cost Ontario consumers another $2 billion in goods and services with a combined rate? Why would Mike Harris want to punish Ontarians just to play politics with the 99 Liberals who are doing very little for Ontario, other than downloading their problems in health care, education and welfare, increasing taxes through the elimination of certain loopholes and tinkering with the corporate rate structure?
On top of that, the government's share of the billion dollar bribe to entice the three provinces to participate is going to cost $400 million over three to four years.
It is misleading for it to claim it is making progress when only three provinces out of ten are participating.
The finance minister has failed to get the other provinces to participate. Why? It is a tax increase on consumers. Even the department of finance of Nova Scotia, one of the participants, in its analysis of May 1996 revealed that the net effect of the harmonized sales tax burden on consumers would increase by $80 million.
Retailers, especially national retailers in the region, claim that their extra costs to retain a dual system of taxation for those stores within the three provinces and for those outside will cost them $27 million.
The government claims, in defence, that businesses will pass on any portion of their savings achieved through harmonization. Excuse me, based on what prior evidence? There will be a $107 million increase to consumers in Atlantic Canada. That is what will happen through a reflection of price increases. A billion dollars has been taken from the federal coffers, from the rest of Canada, to transfer the system.
It is misleading to state that the Reform Party supports harmonization. In the Standing Committee on Finance, of which I was a member and one of the co-authors of the report, when the government was looking for a GST replacement we indicated quite strongly that if the government was going to harmonize it had to harmonize on a national basis, with all the provinces, at the same time, and make it revenue neutral, with the widest possible base, providing the lowest rate. That has not been achieved. Other provinces will not participate. We clearly stated in our executive summary that harmonization cannot be fully endorsed. Talk about being misquoted and taken out of context.
Therefore we oppose the harmonized sales tax in its present form. If the government would bring us something which is for all of Canada we would consider it.
It is misleading to claim that this will save money when it will cost the rest of the provinces close to $1 billion, $961 million to be exact. We call it a bribe to compensate the provinces for the lost revenue of the lower PST and to entice them to participate.
That is very misleading. Who is going to compensate the other provinces, entice them or bribe them? Where is the money going to come from to provide the lost revenue for the other provinces, such as Saskatchewan, as the member previously mentioned?
This move is also hypocritical. I will touch on this point briefly. When in opposition the finance minister said: "I would abolish the GST because the manufacturers sales tax is a bad tax, but there is no excuse to repeal one bad thing by bringing in another". That appeared in the April 4, 1990 edition of the Montreal Gazette .
On March 17, 1990 in an interview with the Calgary Herald the finance minister said that the GST is a tax which discriminates against the regions and that he would get rid of it if possible. However, he said it would be difficult to do that if the federal tax becomes integrated with provincial taxes: If it becomes integrated'', which the government is now bragging about,
with provincial taxes'', which it has just done, ``we will never get rid of the GST. We will never replace the GST''.
He further said that another alternative would be to look at alternative consumption taxes that are not regressive and do not penalize the regions of the country.
We are talking about the hypocrisy of the finance minister's statements. The hypocrisy lies in the fact that he has acted exactly opposite to what he said in opposition and opposite to what his personal beliefs are. He has entrenched the GST instead of getting rid of it. He has also introduced a taxation system which penalizes the non-participating provinces to the tune of $961 million. He is making seven provinces pay for lower tax rates in three provinces and basically penalizing the rest of the country just to integrate a bad tax, which he said he would never do. His deal is with three provinces that have Liberal premiers, three provinces that may soon have three Conservative premiers once this ripples through the economy of those three provinces.
We do not need to remind everybody what happened in P.E.I. My colleague from Wild Rose has already pointed that out. That Liberal premier lost his job thanks in great part to the federal Liberal government and its action in this regard.
I believe it is also hypocritical to argue that the Liberals have a pan-Canadian view of Canada because they are taking from the richer provinces and giving to the poor. Is this a new definition now of equalization payments where seven provinces are paying for ten, a complete reversal of the current equalization system where three provinces pay for seven?
It seems to me there is hope for Reform's fresh start platform. We suggest that we should review the equalization payment system and have maybe the top five provinces paying the bottom five and have a little competition in there which would be a better approach to a new vision for a better Canada.
Finally, I also feel that the harmonized sales tax is politically self-serving. We all know the promises from the Deputy Prime Minister, the Prime Minister to the finance minister and a whole bunch of other MPs during the campaign about what they said at the door and also what is in the red book. They have not even kept their red book promise because this is a partial and it is not even revenue neutral and any way you cut it they have broken their promise.
We all know about the member for York South-Weston who has quit over this because of principle. We all know about the member for Broadview-Greenwood. What these people campaigned on and what they delivered are two different things.
In order to limit the damage and in order to continue the myth that they are solving and keeping their red book promises they have introduced this GST harmonization at a huge cost to the country, at a great disservice to the premiers of those three provinces who
were hoodwinked, bribed and misled and where the Atlantic residents will see their cost of living go higher.
The finance minister has admitted that he failed to deliver on his promise to scrap the GST. The Deputy Prime Minister admitted they have not delivered on their promise and quit subsequently. She never promised that she would run again but she did and she got re-elected.
The only person who fails to admit that they failed to deliver on their election promise is the Prime Minister who is off around the countryside taking credit for all the global deals, thanks to businessmen who have been working hard for five years and thanks to the previous government that fought hard and implemented free trade and the North American Free Trade Agreement.
This harmonized sales tax is politically self-serving because they have told the Atlantic MPs to keep quiet. Why are they not speaking out on this and telling us how wonderful it is and how great it is? Why do they not go on the record and tell Atlantic Canadians that this is the best thing since sliced bread and there is no sales tax in the Atlantic provinces? It has disappeared. The ads are there. Defend that. I would like to see them defend that. I would enjoy listening to them defend that there is now no sales tax in these three provinces.
There will be businesses going under in the Minister of National Defence's riding. They have already shut their doors. These Atlantic MPs have been told to stay quiet. Where are they? How can all of them say this is a good deal in light of all the people who have come forward and said this is not a good deal, especially MMG Management Group which runs discount chains under names like Greenberg, Red Apple, MetMart and Metropolitan in New Brunswick where 79 jobs have already been lost due to this harmonization and a 50-50 chance of another 71 jobs being lost according to their own calculations?
The worst example of all that I have of political self-serving is contained in the Public Accounts, volume 1, pages 1.24 to pages 1.26. It talks about the whole financial aspect of accounting and also the auditor general's comments: "Responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of the financial statements rests with the government. The financial statements are prepared under the joint direction of the President of the Treasury Board, the Minister of Finance and the Receiver General for Canada in compliance with governing legislation".
The auditor general then gives his comments. Here are some of his startling concerns that he felt should be brought to the House and parliamentarians made aware of: "The inclusion of transitional assistance", which is the same debt word as bribe, "of $961 million in the 1996 deficit and accumulated deficit represents a departure from both sound accounting practice and the government's own accounting rules. In my opinion the transitional assistance of $961 million should be included in the deficit
subsequent to the 1995-96 fiscal year. Failure to comply with generally accepted principles resulted in an overstatement by the annual deficit and accumulated deficit of $961 million".