Mr. Speaker, today is the anniversary of a most significant event in Canadian history. It was on this date in 1989 that the citizens of Beaver River decided there was an alternative to the politics of cynical pragmatism, of winning at all costs, of special interests and backroom deals choking out the national interest. They voted for someone to speak for them, not to them; for a platform of fiscal responsibility and deficit reduction; for democratic reforms to make members of Parliament accountable to their constituents; for fairness and common sense in government.
Yes, seven years ago today the residents of Beaver River used the opportunity of a byelection to send a clear message to Ottawa. They elected the first Reformer to the House of Commons and thereby set off an avalanche of democratic and fiscal reform which cannot be stopped.
In a few days the voters in six ridings can make their mark by sending the same common sense message to Ottawa. The message is the same now as seven-