Madam Chair, if the hon. member does not believe there are any responses, I guess I do not need to reply.
However, I think it is a very interesting speech on revisionist history which would give credit to some governments of the 1950s.
The unemployment insurance was agreed to by all provinces, unlike what the hon. member said, I believe in the 1930s, before the second world war.
He spoke about overlap and duplication. There has been a clear offer from the minister of human resources on the table for some while. Has Quebec responded? Not yet. The minister of human resources was quite clear this afternoon in question period about those questions. It was quite clear that the areas of provincial jurisdiction were being respected by the government and have continued to be respected.
Other matters the hon. member discussed have little if anything to do with the bill on borrowing authority. However, that we have a national employment insurance scheme is and has been of substantial benefit to Quebecers over the last years and the member should recognize that.