The hon. member suggested that I do not have the guts. I certainly do not have his anyway.
I will try to raise the level of discussion and ask the hon. member if he is in favour of paying interest on borrowed funds. Is he really telling us that we should not be paying interest? Is there some problem in his mind about paying interest to people who have loaned the Government of Canada money? Is the hon. member old enough to remember Alberta was a province that reneged on its debts and paid the penalty for years?
We do not do that in this government. We are trying to work our way through the deficit reduction program to get at our level of debt. We do not think it is an impossible situation to handle it the way we have been. In fact, the financial markets have said again and again that it is the right way to do it. The government is doing it in the correct manner. It is handling its finances in the right way, better than anyone.
The finance minister has met every target which he has set. Is there another party in the House which can say that it set a deficit target and met it? There is not a party in the House that can say that. Until there is, I would say this is the party that is believable, not them.