An hon. member says that is what people want. If that is what people want, can he explain why the government party is running 58 per cent in the polls and his party ratings are going down further and further? It shows the public is not buying the Reform program.
The hon. member went on to talk about the GST. He tied that in with party's lowering taxes. It would lower taxes, get rid of the GST. At the same time he criticizes the deficit and the public debt. What he shared with us will drive the deficit up even further and increase the public debt.
That is why I said he used to make sense but all of a sudden does not make sense. He complains the government has no plan. The government ran on a plan. We put out a very clear platform and the people gave us the mandate to implement the platform over the next five years.
We have another two years to go. Mike Harris tried to do in one year what we are spreading over a four year period. This why the people are quite happy with our latest budget, quite happy with the first two budgets. They know we are on track. The financial confidence is there. The investment confidence is there. I think the government is right on track and I do not see why the Reform Party cannot understand this.