Mr. Speaker, the future of British Columbia is about to change. The
Nisga'a agreement in principle is to be signed tomorrow, an agreement that lays the template for 50 other agreements.
This odious, non-transparent process took place behind closed doors without the full consultation of the public. The Nisga'a people must realize that no agreement can take place without full consultation with all people.
It is balkanizing British Columbia, creating many states with their own laws and regulations. It constitutionally protects a commercial fishery for aboriginal people where no legal precedent exists. It transfers the management of other resources to aboriginal control. It is not accountable to existing laws and regulations for the protection of the environment for all people.
The Nisga'a agreement in principle is apartheid. It creates different laws and different regulations for different people. It is by its definition racist.
Apartheid never worked in South Africa and it will not work in Canada.