Mr. Speaker, I received an encouraging fax from a Canadian who confirmed the principles of why I am here:
I once supported the Liberals until I read Pierre Trudeau's remarks that Liberals will do anything, say anything and promise anything if it will get them elected. I believed him then and even more now. Just look at how they promised to kill the GST and broke that promise.
I supported the Conservatives but they abandoned me when they decided to become a mirror image of the Liberals. I flirted with the New Democratic Party but gave up when it became obvious the NDP is merely a collection of special interest and radical fringe groups.
Then I gave up on politics until I discovered the Reform Party and found a group of people like myself who believe our nation's future extends far beyond the next election.
From the concept of equality for all Canadians to the concept of a secure financial future for me and my children and their children yet to come, and every issue and concern that lies between, I draw my reasons for supporting and voting Reform.
Reform has seen the future and, unlike the three old-line parties, is living in the present. That is why I am a Reformer".