Motion No. 9
That Bill C-11, in Clause 50, be amended by replacing lines 38 and 39, on page 18, with the following:
"partment of National Revenue, the Department of Supply and Services or Canada Post, or the".
Motion No. 10
That Bill C-11, in Clause 76, be amended by a ) replacing line 12, on page 25, with the following:
"76. (1) Paragraph 33(2)( a ) of the Old Age Se-''; b ) replacing line 17, page 25, with the following: ``Canada or Canada Post, or to the Canada Employment and''; and c ) by adding after line 32, page 25, the following:
"(2) Paragraph 33(3)( a ) of the Act is replaced by the following: a ) the Minister of National Revenue or any person designated by the Minister of National Revenue for the purpose may, for any purpose relating to the administration of this Act, make available or allow to be made available to the Minister, or to any officer or employee in the Department of Human Resources Development designated by the Minister for the purpose, a report providing information available to the Minister of National Revenue with respect to any applicant or beneficiary or the spouse of any applicant or beneficiary; and''.