Mr. Speaker, absolutely not. What we want is to make public administration in Canada more efficient. Jurisdictions are being fully respected.
As far as the securities commission is concerned, the provinces that want to can be part of it. It will enable people who apply to issue bonds or shares on the market to get approval at one counter rather than having to apply to six, eight or ten governments. The aim is to make operations easier and more efficient. Matters of legislation will remain the responsibility of the provinces.
In the case of tax collection, it is the same thing. At the moment, income and sales taxes are collected in all provinces, except Quebec, by the federal government. This will make the job a lot easier for everyone. We want to make it even easier so that taxpayers do not have to go knocking on two or three doors, but
will have a single-window service that enables them to pay their federal and provincial taxes at the same time and place.