Mr. Speaker, I was writing a statement about the appointment of Alberta Senator Bud Olson as Alberta's next lieutenant-governor, calling for a Senate election under Alberta's Senatorial Selection Act to fill the vacancy. Before I was finished writing, former Alberta Liberal leader Nick Taylor was appointed to the Senate.
It may take 10 years to balance the budget, 10 years to lower taxes, and 10 years to reform people's pension, but it takes only 10 minutes to reward friends with Senate appointments. Albertans expect the Prime Minister to respect their wishes and permit them to elect their senators.
Canadians from Newfoundland and Labrador to British Columbia remain ashamed of Canada's senior legislative body. They are ashamed the Prime Minister continues the disgraceful, undemocratic appointment of undemocratic Liberals to the undemocratic Senate to pass all too often undemocratic legislation. Fourteen times a seat has become available in the Senate; fourteen times loyal Liberal cronies have been rewarded. Oops, I should say fifteen times. I had better revise that.