Mr. Speaker, the late Joey Smallwood in his autobiography
I Chose Canada
wrote: "My marriage to Clara was one of the most fortunate events of my life. I do not know what I would have done without her".
Clara Smallwood passed away last week. It had been my privilege over many years to observe the special chemistry between Clara and Joey Smallwood. Clara Smallwood avoided the limelight but still distinguished herself in many dignified ways. She was a marvellous human being, kind hearted to the core. She was a very talented musician, intelligent and well read. She was a great family woman who showered her three children, Ramsey, William and Clara, and her many grandchildren and great grandchildren as well as countless others with much affection.
Her support for her husband was unwavering, indeed legendary.
I salute her today for her wonderful contribution, behind the scenes but significant nevertheless, to Newfoundland and Labrador and to Canada.