Mr. Speaker, we accepted the invitation from the Americans and the Russians to see whether we could use up their surplus plutonium, because they are about to dismantle missiles, which leaves plutonium to dispose of.
As illegal trade in this element is also very dangerous, they have asked us if we could consider using up the plutonium to get rid of it. We replied that if we can do so safely, without damaging the ecology or creating health problems for anyone, that would be a contribution that Canada could make towards peace. Because if the plutonium is gone, then there is no longer a risk of it being traded illegally, among other things.
We therefore agreed to do a feasibility study. We are also told that, in the form of MOX fuel, it can be transported with no risk. We are now conducting studies, and if it is completely safe, of course, we will be prepared to help with dismantling the missiles, thus reducing the risk of nuclear war.