Mr. Speaker, I wish I had an easy answer to that but I do not. It is an issue of enormous complexity and difficulty for generations.
I want it understood this is an interim agreement. It stops the fighting. It gives all countries, including Canada, time to take measures to begin to work on those difficulties. We have to make a very concerted effort for the implementation of resolution 425 at the Security Council. That is an important legal basis that the international community has established.
At the same time, we have to work as part of this new consultative work in the reconstruction areas. Third, we have to support those individuals, those governments and those groups in the Middle East.
There was a sign of it yesterday with the decision by the PLO and by the Labour Party in Israel to pursue the peace process, to give every support to those who are interested in peace and to stand up against those who are interested in terrorism or disruption. That is the major contribution we want to make.