Motion No. 218
That Bill C-12 be amended in clause 10 of Schedule II a ) by replacing lines 29 to 39 on page 150 with the following:
"10. (1) The following applies in place of paragraph 30(1)( a ): a ) the claimant has, since losing or leaving the employment, been employed in insurable employment for the number of weeks required by section 7 to qualify for benefits; or
(2) The following applies in place of subsections 30(6) and (7):
(6) Where a claimant who has lost or left an employment as described in subsection (1) makes an initial claim for benefits, the following weeks of insurable employment may not be used for the purposes of subsection 7(2) or (3): a ) weeks of insurable employment from that or any other employment before the day on which that employment was lost or left; and b ) weeks of insurable employment in any employment that the claimant subsequently loses or leaves, as described in subsection (1).'' b ) by striking out lines 2 to 5 on page 151 and substituting the following:
"any employment that a claimant loses or leaves as described in subsection (1) may be used for the purposes".