Motion No. 188
That Bill C-12 be amended by adding after line 25, on page 131, the following new Clause:
"Standardization during transitional period
167.1 (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Commission shall, during the period between January 5, 1997 and January 5, 2002, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations that, in its opinion, are required for the purpose of a ) gradually eliminating the concept of regional rates of unemployment during this period and dealing with any resulting legal consequences, so that, by January 5, 2002, a claimant, provided that the claimant otherwise qualifies for unemployment benefits under this Act, may qualify for unemployment benefits without regard to a regional rate of unemployment; and b ) adjusting, during this period, the number of weeks of insurable employment or the number of hours of insurable employment required for a claimant to qualify for unemployment benefits, so that, by January 5, 2002,
(i) the number of hours of insurable employment required to qualify for unemployment benefits will be the same throughout Canada, and
(ii) the standardized qualifying period in paragraph ( b )(i) shall apply without reference to a regional rate of unemployment;
(2) The Governor in Council shall, by order, a ) after consultation with the Commission, amend any provision in this Act that is inconsistent with the objectives and transitional duties referred to in subsection (1); and b ) no later than January 5, 2002,
(i) establish a standard qualifying period that is valid throughout Canada, based on the number of hours of insurable employment during a qualifying period and calculated without reference to a regional rate of unemployment; and
(ii) amend any provision in this Act that is inconsistent with the standard qualifying period referred to in subparagraph (i)."