It is Canadians and Quebecers who are responsible for the country's prosperity. They are the ones who show creativity. They even have develop survival skills, given that the federal government keeps targeting the poor.
Mr. Speaker, think of this as a delicious chocolate cake. If you split a very good chocolate cake in two equal parts, it is still as good as it was before. It is not any less appetizing because it has been split. If Canada is such a great country, it will have no problem surviving a separation. Come on. There is nothing to it.
There are countries, such as the former U.S.S.R., which are federations. However, the U.S.S.R. was not a prosperous country. Living in a federal system does not ensure the country's prosperity. It has nothing to do with it. There is no connection. None at all. However, a country can choose to go it alone, such as Norway, which refused, through a democratic referendum, to join the European community. Incidentally, the yes and no sides in that referendum were led by two women. Why did Norwegians make that decision? Because they did not think it would be a good thing for their country. It is possible for a small country to be open to the whole world and to survive. Of course there will be a next time.
Last night, I was very impressed by an article that members opposite should definitely read. I will give them the exact reference, so they can learn something and finally understand. The article, entitled "What does Quebec want?", was published by the Financial Post , and was written by Gord Sinclair. There is a column called Inside Quebec''. The title is
Look at Canadian history through francophones' eyes''. The subtitle read: ``Would you feel cheated?'' The author then asks English Canadians to
pretend they are French Canadians and to reread the history of Canada.
At the end, he says:
"As I have said before, what French Quebec needs to hear are the words "keep Quebec in Canada". It is respect. Francophone Quebecers need to feel that Quebec can be different but accepted as equal and never to be cheated again. If you can do that we are going to save Canada. If not-" which means Canada is lost forever.