George, you stop heckling me. My mother is watching this.
It took three years for the Reform Party to bring victims rights into the House and we had to stuff them at the members opposite, to get them to do something. And the member says: "Let us get on with more important issues". When will that come?
Of course this year we are only overspending $35 billion or close to that. What does it matter to them? It is only $35 billion, over $100 million since the Liberals were elected, $100 billion, a million billion. I do not think they know the difference anyway. There is the problem. The Liberals are overspending to the tune in excess of $100 billion over three years and the member says: "Let us get on to more important issues". Give me a break.
There are kids up there in the gallery wondering just exactly when the government will get on to more important issues. Whilst we are overspending $35 billion and with a debt load in excess of $570 billion, where does the motion we have today fit in with this? "It is not much; it is only $40 million. Heck, we overspend by $35 billion a year". It is petty cash to you guys, is it not?
So do not bring the Senate in here. Do not ask the senators how they are spending their money. Do not ask them about their jaunts around the country. Do not ask them about where they are splurging or how they can cut back. That does not appear to be important.
The member for Vancouver Quadra said it all. What we have here, he said, is a lack of restraint of a non-elected House. That is okay. It reminds me of the minister of immigration's policy with the Immigration and Refugee Board: "It can make mistakes. It is autonomous. That is another place. It has nothing to do with us. I cannot have any input into that".
If the government makes enough of these organizations autonomous, then we will not have to have anybody appear at all, do we? We will just overspend every year, raise the debt and we will go on our merry way. It is only the next generation that is sitting up there who will have to worry about that.
I do not know. We give $30,000 or $40,000 away here and there on grants. We are only talking about $40 million to an organization which does what exactly?