Sober second thought. I would say second thought.
This motion is serious. We have no speakers over there because they have been told by the boss, I am sure, not to speak to this because it is about their friends over there. Forty million dollars is being spent and the people who spend it are not accountable. We owe more than that to the people who are paying the bills. Regardless of whether it is the Senate, the RCMP, Correctional Service Canada, MP salaries, MP pensions or whatever else, one must be held accountable. For the Liberal Party to say or do otherwise is irresponsible.
It is no wonder a large segment of society today is concerned about politicians and governments or any group of people that would whisk the money from their pockets to an unaccountable group. It is a very sad commentary.
I suppose I cannot ask for unanimous consent again. They will not give me unanimous consent, so I will not ask. I wish these folks were not so much like sheep. It would be a really nice place to come to and talk about accountability, about spending money and even about trying to get a Senate elected, effective or equal. However, we are dealing with traditional party mentality where you do as you are told and you do as we say. It will not change until we move this government out.
There are only 52 of us here. Every time we stand up to speak about something they put their PR people on it and they fight us as best they can. However, we will not go away on this issue or on any other issue because of lack of performance, because of lack of caring or because of plain arrogance. That is the best way I can put it.
I am sure my time is up. I have made my point. It is very difficult and frustrating to come from British Columbia or any other province into the House knowing full well a majority government will not change. It will continue to put its friends and party hacks in a place it calls a chamber of sober second thought. Those people
will continue to be unaccountable. They will spend money the way they wish. The government will continue to ignore the wishes of many Canadians until it gets booted out of office, just like the other party from jurassic park.