Mr. Speaker, the problems of racism and intolerance go beyond a few misspoken words. It is a matter of action as well.
Events of the past week cause all of us to examine our actions and positions as well as our words. I hope that members of the third party will take seriously the challenge to tackle the roots of racism and not try to paper it over by simply cleaning up some language.
Since the last election we have seen a pattern in the intolerant statements of members of the third party. Sometimes they are dismissed, like the slur on Chinese culture, or blaming blacks for crime. Sometimes there is an apology for the language, like the comments about Muslim veils, but no change in position or action.
This time I hope we will see some action and change in position to show that they have really learned something about the meaning of equality in this country.
The third party came here with a promise to do politics differently. So far, the differences it has introduced have not been very encouraging.