Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister is blaming the current public awareness of his incompetence on acts of God. I disagree.
It was not an act of God that produced his government's acceptance of NAFTA nor the subsequent problems over the tariffication of supply managed products. It was bad advice and bad decision making.
It was not God that tried to cover up facts in the Somali affair, it was trusted officials. Nor did God start the multimillion dollar lawsuit against a former Prime Minister over Airbus. It was government officials.
God did not tell Public Works to push Anne Rainey off the Peace Tower project because she was a woman, nor did God cause the discrimination against Chander Grover at the NRC. Government officials did and they gave financial backing to the perpetrators of this inequality.
God did not kill the Crow rate, nor the GST promise, nor the day care promise. The government did.
In our system of parliamentary government, the Prime Minister is god. His acts are indeed the problem.