My colleagues are urging me on. I was going to stop but I will continue at the encouragement of my colleagues.
Here is what The New Canada said. This book was written by the leader of the Reform Party. He said: ``Why should a few extremists and eccentrics have more influence with you than I do? Why should they have more influence than the large number of Reformers who are neither extreme nor eccentric?''
This is one of the member for Beaver River's most famous quotes, and it is a good one: "I am basically a Tory". Mr. Speaker, how would you like to make that admission? I ask that rhetorically of course. I would not expect you, being the neutral person you are, to answer a question like that.
The member for Swift Current-Maple Creek-Assiniboia said: "I have been called a red neck. It is a label I wear with considerable pride". The Prime Minister answered him after thinking it was an insult: "As long as it is on the record and he is proud to be a red neck, I will honour him by calling him a red neck. That is what he wants to be".
Let us continue with a few more quotations from the little green book. The former senator from the Reform Party said: "The Canadian government is the kind of organization that would fund the black lesbians from Dartmouth". This is from the only senator the Reform Party has ever had.
These are quotes from that gang, from those people before and after they were elected, and they are reprimanding others? They are talking about issues of ethics and so on?