Mr. Speaker, this is National Forest Week, and I would like to point out the work that is being done by the Canadian Institute of Forestry.
This group is Canada's only non-governmental national association solely dedicated to advancing the stewardship of the nation's forests.
The Canadian Institute of Forestry's membership consists of over 2,300 professional foresters, educators and scientists representing diverse forest interests from across the country. Its key objectives include: improving all aspects of forestry in Canada; educating members in their knowledge of forestry; fostering public understanding of all aspects of forestry; and cultivating an esprit de corps among members.
The CIF has been serving as a catalyst in bringing together the broad spectrum of forest stakeholders, from preservationists to forest industry executives, to reach a vision of the future for forests which will satisfy the diversity of demands.
I would like to offer the CIF my congratulations for its remarkable contributions over the years.