Mr. Speaker, in the words of the auditor general in his May report with regard to environmental stewardship: "Somebody needs to accept full responsibility for the overall implementation of the greening process. There is no one in charge who is reporting objectively on the status of the greening process across government and as a result there is no way to know if the government is meeting its objectives".
This is not the first time the auditor general has reported on Environment Canada's ineffectiveness. Like the past, probably nothing will change in the future.
Reform has repeatedly asked for the Minister of the Environment to show objectiveness and reason. Sheila Copps would scoff at our suggestions and say: "Look what we have done". Well Sheila, look where you are now.
The current minister is showing signs of moving in the same direction as Sheila Copps. If he continues to ignore the suggestions of the auditor general and of Reform, he may soon find himself in poor Sheila's shoes.