Mr. Speaker, from June 21 to July 1 Canadians will be able to celebrate the diversity and richness of our nation. June 21 is the first ever national aboriginal day. It is a day for Canadians to celebrate Canada's first peoples, to recognize their many different cultures and to reflect on their contributions to Canada.
On June 24, French Canadians all over the continent will celebrate their culture and their language, as they have been doing since the 19th century. Let all Canadians take part in the activities and celebrate Saint-Jean Baptiste Day.
This celebration of our nation culminates on July 1, Canada Day, a day which allows us to take pride in our heritage, history, diversity and richness as a nation.
The celebrations going on from June 21 to July 1 will be an opportunity to rediscover and share our treasures, to appreciate more who we were, who we are and what the future holds for us. Let us celebrate together.