Mr. Speaker, I have a couple of questions for the hon. member for Frontenac. I know he is not extremely familiar with the Canadian Wheat Board since its jurisdiction is the west and the prairies, but he is very familiar with the dairy industry.
If the dairy industry were run the way the Canadian Wheat Board is run and affects western Canada, would he support having to market through a milk selling agency if the producers had no voice on how that milk marketing agency functioned, had no producer voice, no democratic process to choose the directors on that milk marketing board? Would he support that board if there was no public accounting for how it marketed what the profit was, how much it cost it to market the milk on the producers' behalf?
That is what western farmers have to cope with because of the secrecy and the unaccountability of the Canadian Wheat Board. I do not believe that is in the dairy industry. Perhaps his attitude would change a little bit if the dairy industry was burdened with this undemocratic and secretive marketing agency.
The second question is an inspiration by the member for Malpeque who seems to think that the lowest bidder always gets the commodity. I would love to go to the member's auction sale if he ever has one because the lowest bidder is going to buy the items at his farm sale.
Do farmers in Quebec accept the lowest bid for their goods or do they accept the highest bid for their goods, the milk, the wheat or whatever they want to sell? What do they accept, the highest bid or the lowest bid?