That is right. The Liberal government was actually the government that was standing in the way. It was the government that delivered this section 745 to us in the seventies.
I have been at a parole hearing, and I may be the only one in this House who has, of an individual who went up for the first time for a section 745 federal review. That person and another individual took the life of a young policeman in Cloverdale, British Columbia in the seventies. They encouraged him to chase them down the street. When the 19-year old RCMP officer stopped them and came over to the car they killed him with a shotgun. It was premeditated first degree murder.
They were both sentenced to hang. Did they hang? No, they got life. They got Liberal life, 25 years. Did they do 25 years? One of them is attending college today very close to my home, much to the disappointment of the sister and the brother of the young policeman who was killed.
The brother attended the parole board hearing. The sister lives in Montreal and could not get there. They were in complete disgust. They had been saying: "There he was, out of our lives. This person had life". But this year they had to relive it all over again. What is wrong? Why do we have to put victims through this time and time again? It is appalling the way this government thinks.
Another comment by the member for Dartmouth is Reformers are extremists. This is the most insulting tactic of the Liberal government and all of its hacks sitting over there. If you think that section 745 should be repealed, to those folks you are an extremist. If you did not agree with Bill C-33, special rights for homosexuals, you are a homophobic. In this country, if you fight immigration cases and try to get people deported, as I have-criminals, a killer, a rapist-you are a racist.
This government and its members are getting our society to think that if we do not agree with the Liberal point of view, we are racists, bigots, homophobics or extremists. It is terribly insulting.
Let us see what the Liberals think about victims. On April 29 we brought in a victims bill of rights. They said they agreed with it and would deal with it in the fall. Is it on the agenda of the Liberal government at the justice committee for the fall? Absolutely not. The victims bill of rights is not on the agenda, but we will spend a whole bunch of time in this House talking about a faint hope clause for first degree murderers. Look after the first degree murderers. A separatist colleague said fifteen years is a long time, people are suffering. That is too damn bad. I will tell members who is suffering in this country: millions-not hundreds of thousands-of victims.
We brought nonsense which came from the lips of a Liberal member here. I said guess who is suffering? The victims are suffering. He says "nonsense". There you go.