Mr. Speaker, this Liberal government treats the aspirations of British Columbians as grievances. The fact of the matter is that British Columbians have lost faith in Ottawa and who can blame them? British Columbians are crying out for federal leadership and this government is failing them miserably.
Nowhere is this better displayed than in the Liberals' mismanagement of the Pacific salmon dispute over the past four years. The sustainability of the Pacific salmon fishery is at stake and the minister of fisheries sits on his hands and does nothing except criticize his own citizens.
Having witnessed the Tory government destroy the Atlantic fishery a few years ago, this government seems intent on doing the same to the Pacific fishery.
It is a simple case of Liberal, Tory, same old incompetent story. This government had better wake up to the concerns of British Columbians. A good start would be to resolve the crisis in the salmon fishery before it is too late.