Mr. Speaker, it would be presumptuous of me or any member to try to speak for the entire government.
If we look at the performance of the government since first being elected in the fall of 1993 we would have to conclude the taxpayers are in very good hands. It has not increased personal income taxes one iota since being elected. If we project that into the future I would say to my colleague across the way that his bets are best with us.
The fact that persons work outside the country and we have been able to repatriate them into the domestic tax system so that they will be better off is a sign that the government cares.
We had an alternative method in the previous system. The U.S. government was the taxer and our citizens were inadvertently the victims. We have corrected that. In most cases the citizens affected by the bill will pay less taxes.
If my colleague across the way looks carefully at the record, he can presume the taxpayers are in very good hands and will be for a long time.