A fair tax is our policy. There are good reasons to believe that we have a system in place that has been very productive and has provided Canadians with a pretty good standard of living.
We move away from the point of looking at how taxes work. Taxes are paid but Canadians benefit greatly from the taxes we pay. Look at the seniors benefit, at the OAS benefits, at all the benefits we provide. We make certain that those tax dollars are spent wisely.
After seeing what it is like in other countries, I know in Canada we have the highest standard of living in the world. We have a good record of defending the weak, helping the sick, defending the poor, helping the seniors, helping the disabled. We have been world leaders in social policy. You cannot deny that, nor can anyone else.
Year after year the United Nations has pointed to Canada as being the best country in the world. All that comes about because of the policies that are put in place by governments in this country. We have run the country extremely well. When you can tell me any country that is better off than Canada, then you can preach the way you are. But until you can tell me a country that is better off than this country, I do not buy your argument.