Mr. Speaker, October is IDD month. IDD stands for iodine deficiency disorder, which is the single greatest cause of preventable brain damage and mental disability in the world today.
More than 1.5 billion people, including approximately 500 million children, in more than 115 countries are estimated to be at risk of having IDD.
To prevent IDD a person needs just one teaspoon of iodine over a lifetime. Every 5¢ raised will save a life by providing one person iodine in their diet.
Kiwanis International has taken on the challenge of eliminating iodine deficiency disorder by the year 2000. As an honorary member of the Ottawa-Vanier Kiwanis Club, I am proud to be a part of this effort.
We have with us today in the gallery representatives of the Kiwanis movement and on our behalf I welcome them.