Mr. Speaker, when you look at the way the federal government normally does its business, yes that is a fear in terms of patronage allotment of funding.
The reality is we have to be more confident in the ability of the management team that will be there. That is why I believe it requires very clear directives from Parliament in terms of how these funds are to be used. I would think they should be directed to those areas of Canada that have experienced particular difficulties, in the smaller communities and the more rural areas, the more remote areas and so on.
I say with a great deal of satisfaction that we can look as an example to how the province of Quebec has used its investments with very clear direction to its management board as to how these funds ought to be utilized to the best benefit of Quebec business again with job creation as a major function of these investments.
If we were to do that then a great deal of the $80 million that is being extracted from a community like Kamloops will be reinjected to assist local businesses and create the jobs that probably would have been lost by that removal of funds.