Mr. Speaker, I have some very clear questions for the member. He refused to answer the questions when they came up before.
When the Reform Party established a fund for their leader's personal expenses, did that portion of the contributions that were raised which resulted in a tax rebate refunded back to the government?
He is opposed to corporate giving. Was the 12% or 14% of corporate giving that was given to the Reform Party returned?
The hon. Leader of the Opposition said that he would not live in Stornoway, that he would turn it into a bingo hall. Now that he is living in it and it is costing taxpayers money, is the Reform Party going to repay the government for that as he indicated it would?
When the member says that there should not be public financing of campaigns, are the Reform members going to write a cheque back to the government for the rebate? Is the Reform Party going to refuse the rebate? Is it going to return it? I ask that the member opposite who just gave the speech answer those questions very specifically. Will he return the money?