Mr. Speaker, my goodness and I thought I could rant.
I appreciate the hon. member's question. It is a question that was very much to the point. I would like to reiterate because he obviously did not hear the full extent of my remarks. I did point out that the Reform Party is alone among political parties in Canada in relying so heavily upon the individual financial support of ordinary Canadians rather than the big money contributors to the old corrupt parties opposite.
I really do appreciate quite sincerely the sentiment expressed by the hon. member for Lac-Saint-Jean that members should raise money from individuals and not from big business. I would turn that around on the member and his colleagues in the Bloc to ask that perhaps he and his party should not ask Canadians to raise money from big government.
If they are in favour of raising money from individuals let them do so, but what they propose to do in emulating the campaign finance laws of the province of Quebec is to increase massively the taxpayers' support and subsidy for political parties. That is something that conscientious Canadians cannot support. There are those who do believe that if political parties are to be funded they should be funded by voluntary individual contributions and neither by big labour nor by big business nor by big government.