We know who their friends are. Their friends are people like Conrad Black. My colleague across the floor from the Liberal Party says that the Reform Party should be called the reverse party. That is probably a suggestion others have as well. Others suggest that maybe it is the reformatories, we do not know. There are many things people use to refer to these individuals and their parties because they keep wanting to reform and change the way Canadians govern themselves, the way we have built our country, the way we have encouraged small business to build up this country from the grassroots.
Reformers are like ostriches with their heads in the sand who say that they are close to the grassroots. The problem is they are buried in the sand and do not understand what grassroots is all about. If you ask anybody in this country if we should give tax deductions to Canadians to invest outside our country they will say “I don't think so”. If we are going to give tax deductions, we would rather give them to Canadians to build our economy, to reinvest in our communities, to reinvest in our small businesses.
I am puzzled as to why the Reformers are proposing this. The only conclusion is they are very supportive of these individuals who have lots of money. My advice to them is that if they want to invest outside of Canada, they should take their own money out of their own pockets, out of their own farms and businesses if they have them and go and invest in Fukuoka, Japan or in Kumamoto, Japan or in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia or go and invest in Indonesia. There are some good gold stocks in Indonesia they could probably invest in. I do not happen to have any because I do not do that sort of thing. I have problems enough, as most Canadians do, investing in things they know, never mind in countries they have never heard of before.
We must look at this proposal by the reformatories and defeat it as quickly as possible.