Mr. Speaker, Tuesday night I watched one of the most disrespectful acts that could ever be conducted, the burning of our Canadian flag.
This took place in Verdun where Raymond Villeneuve and a band of thugs wearing bandannas over their faces burned the Canadian flag and shoved and kicked elderly people as they entered a council meeting.
Politics aside, these people should be charged for such a vile act. Tens of thousands of people died defending this flag and the values it represents. What kind of a message does it send when we see young people burning our flag?
Are we moving toward a culture of mass cowards? This is simply not the Canadian way. We are a tolerant people who have fought for our freedom both here and abroad. The Canadian flag is one of the most respected symbols of peace around the world.
We are allowing these hooligans to ruin the reputation Canadians fought and died for on foreign soil. Is the government so weak that it will allow their assault on our heritage? If the country is to remain united we must take a stand now before it is too late.