Mr. Speaker, I would like to conclude my comments by clearly stating that, in my opinion, the comments with regard to the last speaker about the benefits available to seniors and those in poverty are going down are absolutely wrong, false and totally out of character with the bill.
Seniors should be assured that the benefits under the Canada pension plan continue at the same levels and are indexed. They are guaranteed, they are secure and they will be there in addition to survivor benefits and the disability benefits.
The member has misunderstood Bill C-2 and the provisions under the report stage grouping which we are dealing with. I want to make sure that it is understood clearly by all members that benefits are not being reduced. We should not fearmonger and scare seniors today that somehow things are going to happen here which will reduce their benefits. It is not so. Seniors should be assured. I want to assure them that the benefits under the Canada pension plan and the amendments of Bill C-2 will ensure that those benefits are there, they are secure, they are guaranteed and they will be indexed.
For Canadians of all generations, the intergenerational equity is in place with these changes and all today's beneficiaries should be assured that nothing will change the benefits that they currently enjoy from the Canada pension plan.