Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, the former leader of the yes side during the last referendum campaign in Quebec, Jacques Parizeau, once again accused the Greek, Italian and Jewish communities of being responsible for the sovereignists' loss, in 1995.
The former PQ leader and Quebec premier decided to treat us to more of what he said on the night of the referendum, when he claimed that the yes side had lost because of money and because of the ethnic vote.
Such comments from someone who claimed he could lead a nation are irresponsible and unbefitting. Today, I ask all sovereignists to dissociate themselves from the comments made on Tuesday by the former leader of the yes side. I feel personally insulted by Mr. Parizeau's remarks. Regardless of our origin, we chose Canada as our country and, as citizens of Canada, we take very seriously our duty and our responsibility to express our views on the future of our country by exercising our right to vote.