Mr. Speaker, today is a remarkable day in Canadian history et nous pouvons touts ĂȘtre fier d'ĂȘtre Canadiens.
Today after three years and the efforts of many individuals, including the member for Brant, Canada has eliminated its land mine stockpile. This is a critical step in the long road to ban land mines around the world.
In December governments, NGOs, citizens and activists will come together in Ottawa to sign a treaty that will unambiguously ban land mines. For all the world it will be a wonderful celebration. It will also be a time to commit energies, to work hard to ensure the treaty is ratified, implemented and monitored. The remarkable success of individual and collective efforts, the tremendous accomplishments of people like Nobel peace prize winner Jody Williams give us the energy we need to see this issue resolved.
Let us join in congratulating Ms. Williams for her relentless quest and in pledging to her our continued support to work together toward a safer society within our borders and outside them for all human beings.