Mr. Speaker, drinking and driving is a national tragedy; 4.5 innocent Canadians killed by impaired drivers every 24 hours, every day of the week. Just think of it. Incredible.
Over 300 people a day are injured in Canada as a result of an alcohol related crash. Just think of it. Incredible.
Impaired drivers caused over half of Canada's 3,300 road fatalities in 1995. Just think of it. Truly incredible.
Too many Canadians have been cut down in the prime of their lives. Too many families, friends and communities have grieved unnecessarily over the loss of a loved one at the hands of an impaired driver. This carnage must stop and the time is now.
Laws to combat the problem have not changed in over 10 years. I urge this House and our justice minister to consider necessary changes to the Criminal Code. Our laws must reflect the stark realities of the epidemic of impaired driving and the seriousness of this crime.